Printed organic cotton labels

These individually designed textile labels made from certified organic cotton yarn are even suitable for the production of children's toys according to EN 71-3.

Simply design your printed textile label online using our configurator. We print your design in monochrome black on undyed, natural-colored cotton. You can choose either 20 mm or 35 mm for the height of your printed fabric labels. The length varies, depending on the design, due to production reasons. The long edges are woven. The printed fabric labels are washable up to 40° C.

We produce the printed cotton labels from 20 pieces individually for you and deliver them to your home rolled up so you can cut them yourself. Each label is bordered by cutting marks so that cutting is always quick and precise. Since cotton cannot be sealed, the cut edges fray. It's best to sew the labels folded over or fold the cotton labels into the seam. In the configurator we show you a 7mm wide edge on the right and left, which you should leave free for folding or sewing.

Our tip for sewing: Design your 35 mm high labels that you can fold them in the middle and sew them into the seam. Motifs, fonts and logos can be easily rotated in the configurator. This gives you a cotton label in portrait format that you can fold in half yourself. Make sure to leave the center of the label free for folding.

No idea? Use design templates

Handmade label in organic quality

Handmade label in organic quality

Customised printed cotton label with handmade message and name. 70 x 20mm. Simply customise online.

Printed organic cotton label

Printed organic cotton label

Name label with owl motif, black print on undyed natural-colored organic cotton. 70 x 20mm.

Handmade label, printed on organic cotton

Handmade label, printed on organic cotton

Organic cotton label, black on natural-coloured cotton, motif tailor's bust and scissors. Simply customise in the configurator.

Organic cotton label for sewing in

Organic cotton label for sewing in

Simply fold in half and sew into the seam, suitable for children's toys

Customised organic cotton labels

Customised organic cotton labels

Black print on undyed cotton, for sewing into the seam.

Customised organic cotton label

Customised organic cotton label

Black print with curved text on undyed cotton, suitable for children's toys.